Directed by Anusia Govender-Pillay of Anavarata Dance Institute.


Date: 17 July

Time : 7 Pm

Duration: 1 hour

Entrance free

Venue: Roodepoort Main Theatre

This project was made possible by a grant from the National Lotteries Commission (NLC).  The theme of the training programme is “A Slave’s Prayer”, focusing on the Slave or enslavement heritage of South Africa. We have utilized Colonialism and the spice trade to explain the variety people and cultures in our country.

Our former President, Mr. Nelson Mandela very aptly stated: “Society without The Arts has no soul”.  It is no coincidence that this event takes place a day before his birthday in the year of his centenary celebration.  The NLC, Anavarata and our members, by utilizing their training process to assist our fellow artistes within our Arts, Culture and Creative Sector to help grow interest within previously disadvantaged communities.  As an Industry, we are loosing trained artistes- repositories of skills and talent due to financial and economic challenges within this industry. We need to make this a viable Industry for young school leavers.

As part of our 57th Anniversary, Anavarata offered Youth, semi-skilled and totally untrained artistes an opportunity to learn, grow and develop into marketable members of the South African Arts & Culture Sphere.  The training takes the form of advanced/ master classes to community –based youth. The training is free to all participants as they are individuals from previously disadvantaged communities.

This event is by invitation and is free of charge- donations are most welcome.  The certificate recipients have been through rigorous training in various South African and World dance styles by professionals in these genres.  The trainees/interns in this programme have in turn been teaching the children and Youth to connect to the joy, healing and freedom of Dance and Dance theatre. Each participant becomes an active agent of change, transformation and Social Cohesion- an Ambassador of Peace and Nation- Building.

Voltaire equated Dance with reading when he said: “Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” Dance, like Music, has the potential to uplift and unite people without them even understanding the deep connections it creates regardless of race; culture or creed.  We are committed to preserving the Environment, and have gone “green” in all our training sessions and productions.

The trainees/interns in this programme will in turn be teaching the children and Youth in these earmarked previously disadvantaged areas to connect to the joy, healing and freedom of Dance and Dance theatre. Each participant becomes an active agent of change; transformation and Social Cohesion- an Ambassador of Peace and Nation- Building



Anavarata Dance Institute, 57 years old, and the oldest Indian Dance based organisation- in Africa, has progressed over the years to become one of the leading and most sought after dance authorities.  They have attained UNESCO International Dance Council (CID) membership.

The legacy that began in 1959 as the Nydoo Sisters’ School of Dance, has taken a glorious journey which culminated  in 1993 as Anavarata- a fully-fledge multicultural and Intercultural speciality institute that sets standards in the world of Dance Theatre.

The troupe has performed for Royalty and Heads of State- President Mandela (1994); Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (1999); Presidential Inauguration: Jacob Zuma, 9 May 2009; and Winners of Awards from Consulate-General of India (1998); and the World Hindi Conference in Sandton, and 100 years of Bollywood in SA in 2012.  They also collaborated with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Durban on a tour of Kwa-Zulu Natal; Eastern Cape; Lesotho and Gauteng in 2013.

The purpose of founding this organisation is to heal the hurts of our country’s PAST through the medium of arts & culture.  It utilises the strengths of the Community to build on, rather than its weaknesses. Promoting Unity in Diversity, emphasizing a strong sense of Nation- building in previously disadvantaged communities where, the Institute provides free training & skills development in Dance and Dance theatre performances.


Please RSVP to Anusia Govender- Pillay

0845105148 or marueafrica@gmail.com