Hoerskool Florida presents Sister Act the musical

Sister Act is about a Reno lounge Singer named Deloris van Cartier who witnesses her mobster boyfriend, Curtis, killing an employee.  She is then hidden in a convent under a witness protection programme.  She has to become a nun… Sister Mary Clarence.  However in this convent Deloris doesn’t just sit around all day… she goes clubbing and brings the ways of the world into the life of the nuns leading to many confrontations with the Mother Superior.  She also turned the dull, lifeless choir into a hip one which leads more people to the church.  But how long will it be before knowledge of this choir and Deloris reaches Curtis and the thugs.

Date: 24 – 27 April

Time: 18:30

Tuesday  – Tickets R80

Wednesday – Tickets R100

Thursday and Friday – R120

Tickets are sold at Hoerskool Florida, alternatively call: 011 672 5345/6

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